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Shared by Max Ho come l'impressione che userò presto questa frase... Obama, al suo meglio, nel discorso all’University of Michigan: "Still, if you’re somebody who only reads the editorial page of The New York Times, try glancing at the pag...

Shared by Max

Ho come l’impressione che userò presto questa frase…

Obama, al suo meglio, nel discorso all’University of Michigan:
"Still, if you’re somebody who only reads the editorial page of The New York Times, try glancing at the page of The Wall Street Journal once in a while. If you’re a fan of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh, try reading a few columns on the Huffington Post website.  It may make your blood boil; your mind may not be changed.  But the practice of listening to opposing views is essential for effective citizenship. Is essential for our democracy".  

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